As you know, one of the biggest issues facing employers right now is the lack of personnel.
Unfortunately, I don't have a miracle solution to convince employees to apply or even to stay in companies which are in great need of human resources. On the other hand, I can share with you a solution which, if well developed, can optimize your company's processes without an extensive need for administrative agents.
What if I presented you with a tool that uses a new management methodology that can bring you independence from excessive administrative practices?
Arm yourself with patience because the text you are about to read cannot be reduced more than it already is, yet I promise you it will clarify how our tool can help you and maybe even change your life.
Quite a dramatic introduction! Let me lighten the mood.
Two business leaders discuss:
– How do you make sure your employees always arrive on time in the morning?
– It’s very simple: I have thirty employees and only twenty parking spaces…
OK, back on topic.
Object-Oriented Management! You can learn a bit more about the approach here but that's not what I want to dwell on in this article.
As the title says so well, I will try to explain to you how the tool developed with the object-oriented management approach can enable you to reduce, or even eliminate, your constant dependence on administrative labour.
Let's define what the nice people who work in administration do:
- Filling in documents
- Monitoring results
- Creating reports
- Maintaining inventory
- Planning and managing scheduling
- Creating reminders;
- etc., etc.
Well, obviously you know that our tool will not be able to answer the phone or offer you a coffee! On the other hand, it will have no problem to:
Allow you to monitor the real-time evolution of everything that happens in your institution.
Via configuration, you can create a task, schedule it, assign it to agents who will be executing it and add a life cycle to it with predefined states.
In other words, it means that as you think of a task that needs accomplishing, you create this task in the tool. You assign it to Pierre, Julie and Paul to do the research, then assign the task to Mélanie who will do the writing and editing before assigning it again to Pierre for publication.
Note that each person involved receives a notification in their personal dashboard with the information needed for the task as well as the time allocated to do it. The work is then automatically redirected to the next assignee until the end of the life cycle of this task.
Now imagine this process for literally everything that needs to be managed: inventory, processes, employee records, events, appointments, meetings, ETC (in capitals because the possibilities are endless).
What you need to remember is that at each step you can always monitor in real time how a task or a "something to manage" progresses.
Create reports
(Yes we are still in the list of what our tool can do)
In the majority of cases, a person with a lot of patience takes data from an Excel file or other software and compiles it into a report. This happens on a recurring basis in order to allow management to draw conclusions from the data collected in reports.
Now, know that our tool produces a report whenever you ask for it, no problem. You just have to select the data you want to examine and you will have a snapshot of the data you need at your fingertips.
Where the magic happens: you can have reports on literally every piece of information entered into the tool. Since all the information is in one place, there is no need to migrate, for instance, information from your employees from your HR software, performance results from an Excel file, and so on. LITERALLY EVERYTHING is in one place. Your documents, inventory, employee records, vacation requests, support or bug requests, sales operations, transportation expenses, number of hot dogs eaten during lunch by employees, ETC (again in capitals and you know why).
I have now dumped a lot of information on you and I want to give you time to sort through what you have learned.
To be continued…
Written by Megane Deschamps